It is horrible being subjected to a relationship which is controlled by a spouse engaging in domestic violence and when one is in this type of relationship they need the help of professionals who can help them move on with their life. In Livingston County LACASA is an agency with people who can help you. In Oakland County Haven is well known for helping people cope with domestic violence. Both agencies have counselors who can help you obtain the knowledge to understand how people allow themselves to continue in a relationship in which domestic violence is present. Better yet they can help in teaching you the steps you need to take to eliminate domestic violence. This step always involves the batterer agreeing to counseling so that the domestic violence can be stopped. These agencies will also assist in forming a safety plan so that if your spouse has a relapse and goes back to their old ways a course of conduct can be planned to provide safety and reduce the likelihood of harm.
Quite frequently the best course of action is to cease the relationship and start a new beginning. If one is married this involves divorce. In Michigan domestic violence is a factor on a property settlement. Many people think that the phrase no fault means that fault is not a factor in a divorce in Michigan. This is not true. The term no fault means that either party can seek a divorce even if they are at fault. The truth is that fault is a factor in a property settlement. Domestic violence is also a factor in determining child custody and parenting time.
If you need help in understanding your rights as a victim of domestic violence I can help. My office phone is answered at all times and you can reach me on my cell phone at 248.672.6112 if you need help.